

因為某亮回答內容頗長,而且好難翻,翻桌還比較容易(自毆),所以除了翻到翻桌的第一題外,其他偷懶只翻問題 (暫時收工繞跑)

ps. 但因為今天阿諾雷FB很有誠意地把雜誌情報翻成中文,所以為了表示敬意(?),又把剩下的作頁翻完了。

asahi.com (朝日新聞社):Asahi Weekly - ENGLISH:

Question: What is the movie's must-see point for a Japanese audience? (對日本觀眾來說Restless的必看重點是什麼?)
Answer: I believe when you lose a loved one, that the sense of loss and pain can never be compensated. While that sense of loss may linger throughout one's life, the movie shows that it may not be always a bad thing. In the climax, my character, a ghost, yells at the protagonist, "You have everything." It's a metaphor for the idea that mortals can find encouragement from the presence or even the sorrow of the dead. Through interaction with the dead, the movie casts a positive light on life, thanks to the director's unique view of the world and visual aestheticism.

Q: How does your character fit in the story? (你詮釋的角色如何融入故事中?)
A: It is a fantasy drama based on a children's book, so I tried not to focus too much on exactly recreating a kamikaze pilot, although I interviewed a kamikaze survivor and read some books. I tried to build a character live on the set, taking advantage of being such a transient presence - a ghost! What was challenging were the long lines of English I had to learn. It took me five times longer to memorize the lines and even longer to be able to speak them in my own voice.

Q: Did you feel like an outsider yourself, like your character? (你覺得你跟你所詮釋的角色一樣是個異鄉人嗎?)
A: Not really. We shot in Portland (Oregon), and its people, language and gloomy weather were much like Bellevue (Washington) where I grew up. As a kid, I was so used to living in the Pacific Northwest that I felt like a complete outsider for a long time after I returned Japan when I was 7. I spent many days and nights hanging out with Henry (Hopper), Mia (Wasikowska) and other crew members, like going to classical concerts after the day's shooting. It was memorable.

(也不會。我們在奧勒岡州波特蘭市拍攝,當地居民、語言和陰鬱的天氣都跟我生長的華盛頓州貝爾維尤很像。小時候我很習慣居住在太平洋西北地區,所以當我七歲回到日本時,有很長一段時間我都覺得我是個徹頭徹尾的異鄉人。很多個白天和晚上,我都跟Henry Hopper、Mia Wasilowska還有其他劇組成員們混在一起,像是在拍攝後去參加古典音樂會。那是難忘的經驗)
Q: What did you get out of your Hollywood experience?(照字面翻是:從你的好萊塢經驗中逃離/擺脫(get out of)了什麼?但老實說不確定記者這句想表達的意思,從某亮的回答推測應該是想問:從你的好萊塢經驗中得到了什麼?)
A: You know, it is very difficult for an actor to stay confident, because you work with all different types of directors and they say all kinds of things, encouraging and discouraging. Unless you develop a strong core identity, you'll end up losing yourself. Working with a respected filmmaker like Gus Van Sant and talented foreign actors gave me a newfound confidence.

(你知道,對演員來說要保持自信是很困難的,因為你會與許多不同類型的導演合作,他們會說各種事,鼓勵的話和令人沮喪的話。除非你培養了很強的核心認同,否則你最後會喪失自我。跟受人尊重的導演,像是Gus Van Sant,和才華洋溢的外國演員們合作帶給我全新的自信。)
'via Blog this'

5 則留言:

  1. 我很想說不如我來幫忙吧,但是又怕變成芭樂票XDDDD

  2. 阿姐有空或心血來潮的時候再來幫忙挑錯好了,其實我比較關心的是IMDB(喂喂) XDDD

  3. 你好,路過看到這篇譯文,先謝謝翻譯!有個小地方,雖然很久了仍很想回一下。

    What did you get [out of your Hollywood experience]?
    out of... 因/由/從...
    所以問題的確是在問他從好萊塢經驗得到什麼 :)

    1. 感謝R樣回覆和指正!

    2. 不好意思又回覆了一次
      因為想到當時覺得get out of不太順的原因

      應該是當時直覺記者應該說「What did you get "from" your Hollywood experience?」

